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Our CSR commitments

What is CSR?

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), also called Corporate Social Responsibility, is the practice of sustainable development by companies.

The company integrating a CSR approach will voluntarily take into account the social and environmental issues linked to its activities. It is an approach that it will build with its stakeholders (i.e. its employees, customers, suppliers, shareholders, regional players, etc.)

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

Measuring and evaluating the impact of its activities in environmental and societal terms will first of all enable the company to better identify and therefore better control the risks with which it could be confronted; but also to act more effectively to reduce its negative impacts, better adapt to new constraints and unlock new opportunities.



Our charter

Independent specialist in formwork and shoring since 2003, JCMAT RIVIERA wishes to support construction companies at all stages of their construction sites by offering them quality and responsible services.

In order to integrate sustainable development into its activities on a daily basis, we have chosen to implement an innovative CSR approach.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

Through this approach, we are committed to:

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

  • Prevent any risk of pollution on its operational sites

  • Reduce your consumption of water, energy and paper

  • Optimizing the management and recovery of its waste

Reduce the impact of our activities to protect the environment

  • Reduce major risks through its OHS prevention approach

Ensure the health and safety of our employees and our customers

  • Respect the principles of the "Global Compact"

  • Work for the development of its employees through the development of skills

  • Ensure optimal working conditions for its employees

Foster everyone's social and professional development

of its collaborators

Our responsible purchasing

Managing purchasing in a sustainable and responsible manner is a major issue in our CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) approach.

The Purchasing Department, together with the General Management and the Quality Safety Environment department, defines the framework, the objectives and the actions of the Responsible Purchasing process.

JCMAT RIVIERA's Responsible Purchasing policy aims to present the conditions under which all of the company's purchases must be carried out, in line with its values and taking into account the major environmental, social and economic issues, pillars large-scale sustainable development.

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  • Continuously improve its quality approach

  • Attach particular importance to customer satisfaction

  • Put in place innovative management tools to enhance the efficiency of its services

Provide its customers with quality service and materials

  • Respect the principles of the "Global Compact"

  • Work for the development of its employees through the development of skills

  • Ensure optimal working conditions for its employees

Foster everyone's social and professional development

of its collaborators

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